Capturi is listed as a supplier in Staten og Kommunernes Indkøbsservice (SKI)
You can find Capturi on the list of suppliers for Staten og Kommunernes Indkøbsservice (SKI) under agreement 02.06. SKI conducts EU tenders on behalf of public organizations in Denmark and simultaneously saves these organizations from having to use too many administrative resources on procurement agreements. This means that Capturi is included in the framework agreement that SKI has developed in collaboration with a number of selected representatives from the public sector. For you, this specifically means that it becomes even easier to invest in conversational AI in your customer or contact center and get more value out of the phone calls you have with your citizens and customers.
Capturi is a Software as a Service (SaaS). The software is built on a conversational AI technology that Capturi has been developing for more than 7 years. The technology is based on AI with particular use of language processing, machine learning, and automatic speech recognition (ASR).
Our software analyzes the phone calls you have with your customers or citizens. With the analysis, we create unique insights that can immediately be translated into measurable value.
Measurable value that is especially expressed through:
– Improved customer and citizen journey (by sharing valuable knowledge to the organization)
– Automatic registration of key topics
– Increased customer and citizen satisfaction
– Secure and efficient operational optimization with quality assurance, employee onboarding and training functionality, call scoring, searchable conversations, and more.
Capturi is intuitive software that is very user friendly without the need for pre-training or complicated setups. This makes the journey from analysis to concrete insights to measurable value even shorter. Capturi integrates with all well-known contact center solutions, which shortens the process of getting started with Capturi.
To ensure rapid and continuous value creation, a dedicated customer success manager is assigned who will continuously advise, coach, educate, guide, and collaborate with you on the use of Capturi's conversational AI software. This approach ensures that it becomes even easier to create value from your conversations with citizens and customers.
We take GDPR and compliance seriously. This is why we operate with a 100% European setup and a data processing agreement based on approved contractual clauses that, among other things, ensure GDPR (Schrems II) compliance.
Follow us here
Capturi A/S | Ankersgade 12e, 1. tv., 8000 Aarhus | +45 89 88 23 85 | Org. nr: 41183527
CapSwe AB | c/o IOFFICE, Olof Palmes Gata 11 | 111 37 Stockholm | Org. nr: 559400-3559