Kathrine Rabjerg Hansen

Marketing Manager

Jan 25, 2024

9 initiatives that will help you increase your success rate

It can be difficult to increase your success rate if you are not sure what works. That is why we have put together 9 initiatives to make your sales process easier. Among other things, you will learn when you should mention price, how to handle your customers' objections, and how to close your sales calls.


  1. Avoid silence by asking more questions

  2. Create more sales by using positive objections

  3. Do not mention pricing too early in the conversation

  4. Mention offers to new customers

  5. Be polite and do not hesitate to use apologetic language

  6. Gain more success with green flags from customers

  7. Never try to win a sale with a last non-binding offer

  8. Avoid calling too many leads during lunch break

  9. Cut down on unnecessary filler words

Avoid silence by asking more questions

Did you know that success rates decrease when there is too much silence in your sales calls? Therefore, you should make an extra effort to minimize silence in your sales calls.

One way to prevent silence is to ask both open and closed questions, as such questions in general increase the probability of a sale by 23% and 17% respectively.

You can be particularly successful by starting your sentences with: "Where...?", "How...?" or "When...?".

Create more sales by using positive objections

Your wording has a big impact on your success rate. It is particularly effective to use phrases such as: "Did I get that right?" or "What suits you best?"

Using these expressions, you can generate as much as 80% more sales.

Do not mention pricing too early in the conversation

In conversations with former customers, your chance of success depends on when you mention your price. Actually, conversion is 30% less likely than otherwise if you mention the price during the first 30 seconds of the conversation.

Therefore, you should mention the price after you have already presented your key selling points and identified the customer's needs.

Mention offers to new customers

It is important to have a competitive price up your sleeve if you want to attract new customers.

In fact, you can increase the probability of success by around 30% if you mention words like: "offer", "discount" or "offer price" during the first 2 minutes of the conversation.

Be polite and do not hesitate to use apologetic language

Your customers generally react more positively to your messages if you are polite and at the same time acknowledge when you have made mistakes, or the timing is bad.

The probability of success increases by 30% if you use apologetic language during a conversation.

Apologetic language could include words such as: "sorry", "excuse me", "sorry", "interrupt", or "sorry about...".

Gain more success with green flags from customers

One shortcut to securing more sales is to make sure customers show signs of green flags. A green flag translates into the customer agreeing with your points.

You can achieve partial acceptances by using phrases such as "Do we agree that...?" or "Would you agree that ...?"

The probability of having a successful conversation increases by 9-15% if you actively seek partial acceptances.

Never try to win a sale with a last non-binding offer

Our analysis shows that it can be ineffective to mention non-binding offers at the end of conversations.

In fact, you are 5 times less likely to convince your customer if you mention offers during the last 30 seconds of a conversation.

Avoid calling too many leads during lunch break

The chances of success are highest during the morning hours. The success rate decreases until lunch and increases again towards the end of the afternoon.

In fact, the success rate is up to 30% higher in the morning from 09-10 am, when compared to the lunch break from 12-1 pm.

Cut down on unnecessary filler words

Filler words that have no value on their own take up a lot of space in customer conversations. This could be words such as "well" or "weird".

Conversations that contain many of these words are typically around 25% longer than average conversations.

That is why it is a good idea to cut down on filler words and instead identifying the needs of individual customers so you can give them just the right offers.

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